Fit.Credit is now Freo Credit Score. Empower Your Credit Journey Fit.Credit is now Freo Credit Score. Empower Your Credit Journey Fit.Credit is now Freo Credit Score. Empower Your Credit Journey

Fit.Credit is Now Freo Credit Score. Empower Your Credit Journey


Credit Score

Credit Score is being fetched by CRIF (the credit bureau) only if sufficient history is available to assess your credit worthiness. If you don’t rely on credit cards and loans then you have nothing in your credit history and hence the app shows NULL.
Your credit score depends on various factors like account mix, credit utilization, payment history, number of hard enquiries that are made when you apply for a credit. Consistency with your payments over time can help improve your credit score and we are in process to release certain updates to ease the process. Stay tuned and happy updating!
Any score above 700 is generally considered to be good where 900 is the maxiumum score possible
For any suspected errors with your credit score, please mail at There can be slight differences across bureaus and depends upon certain criteria put in place by each.
On an average, credit institutions submit data every 45 days to CRIF and it is updated after that. Sometimes, it can take upto 4 months for your credit score to be updated on CRIF

Freo Credit Score doesn’t charge its user for showing and fetching the credit score from the bureau which is generally a paid service

Credit Report in PDF format

CIR (Credit information report) represents a comprehensive credit profile in form of an elaborated report of a borrower. This includes, for example, personal information (e.g. borrowers name, ID number, date of birth etc.) and a credit summary (e.g. credit accounts held by borrower, whether accounts are current/past due, and a record of recent credit enquiries made about the borrower). Source: CRIF
Please click on the get your credit report button and enter your email ID. The PDF of the credit information report will be mailed to the email ID that you have entered.

For now, Freo Credit Score doesn’t charge for sending a physical copy of credit report to its users.

Credit Score Dashboard

Credit score dashboard shows the trend of your score over time everytime it is refetched. It generally represents the time duration of 6 months for comparison
In absence of a credit history, the fetch shows NH (No History) because of which nothing is visible on the graph

App Error

Please write to us at to help you address your query at the earliest

On registering through multiple phone numbers, the mapping fails. Please enter your mobile number again to check.
It takes some time to fetch the data from the bureau and hence the loading screen is seen

Please mail us your queries on

Credit Score Simulator

The score simulator is powered by the Equifax credit report and policies being used to calculate the impact on credit score by Equifax. This takes into account the changes from closing negative accounts, taking another loan/ credit card, closing existing loan/ card and any overdue payment against your card and loan. The credit score simulator would project your score based on the impact from individual factors and the actual score is subject to changes based on the impacts from different factors.
Credit score simulator helps you predict the consequences and impacts of your credit decisions and helps you in taking informed steps.
You can only select one condition at a time and the score would be predicted just on the basis on one condition at a time. Select conditions one at a time to verify the impact.